Today ZenFoneblog volition portion an useful tool for ZenFone three owner. This ZenFone three One Click tool is created past times xda user EypCnn. With ZenFone three One Click tool y'all tin Unlock bootloader, Root, flash TWRP etc inwards slow way.
- Check connector status
- Bootloader Unlocker
- Flash TWRP
- Root Flasher
- ADB Shell
- Erase /system, /data in addition to /cache
- DPI Changer
- Resrart Menu
- Xposed Installer
- Xposed Framework
- Root Checker
- Download in addition to extract the zip
- Install ADB if y'all don't accept it (Download)
- Enable USB Debugging on your Zenfone (Settings>Developer Options)
- Open ZenFone three One Click tool
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