ZenUI 3.5: fifty-fifty improve features for an fifty-fifty improve experience

Recently unveiled at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the construct novel ZenFone AR too ZenFone three Zoom are non solely groundbreaking smartphones amongst top-of-the-line hardware: they besides score the debut of ZenUI 3.5, the latest footstep inward ASUS’ continuous search for an fifty-fifty improve user experience. Curious? Here’s what’s coming your way!

New horizons, wider experiences

The booming VR tendency was the hottest topic at CES, too y'all tin give notice sense it firsthand amongst our real ain ZenUI VR 360. Create, persuasion too portion 360-degree content without having to download whatever third-party app: run across life from all angles inward your ASUS Gallery, practice immersive stories amongst the 360-degree templates on PhotoCollage, too portion your favorite 360-degree photos on ZenCircle.

Professional photos, only organized

Shoot similar a pro, salvage too persuasion your photos inward RAW to convey all your memories inward rich detail. And don’t worry virtually losing sight of your files, because ASUS Gallery volition neatly score them according to format: chop-chop honour your RAW files at a glance inward your thumbnail gallery. Easier to manage, export too edit.

A pleasant surprise each time

Choose your favorite photos from your photograph gallery too then that each fourth dimension y'all wake upward your phone, a dissimilar wallpaper automatically refreshes on your lock screen.

Vivid themes, lifelike colors

Find novel high-quality brilliant theme packs on ZenUI Themes. When paired amongst an AMOLED screen, these themes are certain to give-up the ghost your favorite oculus candy! Let your personality shine through amongst dazzling lifelike colors too high-definition visuals.

Get your wellness inward check

With ASUS ZenFit, wellness administration is slow every bit a breeze. Easily tape your stats when you’re walking, running or cycling, too proceed rails of your pump charge per unit of measurement too slumber quality. Get all the data y'all postulate from the action reports, too convey a improve agreement of your overall health.

ZenUI Delights: sense moments of delight

ZenUI 3.5 is non solely virtually giving y'all a stunning visual design; it’s besides virtually optimizing your overall user experience, enhancing what’s expert too working on what needs to live on fixed. We’ve worked on the finer details that genuinely construct a difference, giving y'all moments of delights inward your everyday life.

Faster, to a greater extent than efficient input: if y'all to a greater extent than ofttimes than non purpose your mobile amongst 1 hand, y'all know that asset a somewhat big device tin give notice live on a chip of a hassle. ZenUI Keyboard allows y'all to arrange the keyboard size too seat for improve comfort. And its Text Editing too Clipboard features render a faster, smoother sense every bit well!

Separate travel too play: when using a dual-SIM device for both your professional person too individual numbers, allow ZenUI Dialer & Contacts assistance y'all proceed things separate. By setting a default SIM for each contact, y'all tin give notice easily depict the trace of piece of job betwixt travel too play.

One scan to connect too share: simplify the agency y'all connect to a WiFi network. Now y'all don’t postulate to manually choose a network too input its password – exactly purpose your phone’s photographic telly camera to scan a QR code too larn connected immediately! You tin give notice besides generate a QR code of your ain hotspot, too chop-chop portion it to other devices around you.

Tag : News, ZenUI 3.5
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