How to Root Zenfone four With RootZenfone APK

Credit to Shakalaca for RootZenfone APK
Tested by: Areph Doank
Thanks to

JellyBean Only

  1. Install RootZenfone
  2. Open Zenfone 4 Back Case (For Removing Battery)
  3. Disable Sim 1 as well as 2, Turn off Wifi (Forget all wifi configuration)
  4. Open RootZenfone, Choose OK, i know delight root
  5. Wait until the procedure consummate (Wait >15 secs until the display goes blank as well as "unfortunatelly, alive demo was stopped) as well as the display blank without statusbar.
  6. Remove the Battery 
  7. Place the battery as well as Turn on Zenfone 4 (Will demo kick animation "android" as well as automatically restart until demo asus boot animation)
  8. Done
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