How to Root ASUS Zenfone four Lollipop (Android 5.0)


Files to Download :

  1.  Intel USB Driver (Download)
  2.  CWM past times X-Team (Download)
  3.  SuperSU (Download)

Instructions :

  1. Download Files higher upward as well as Install intel usb driver (if yous don't accept it)
  2. Extract CWM to folder
  3. Copy SuperSU to Zenfone 4 SDCard
  4. Turn off Zenfone 4
  5. Go to Droidboot (Power+Volume up)
  6. Connect Zenfone 4 to PC
  7. At CWM Folder opened upward cmd (Shift+Right Click > Open Command Here)
  8. See device connected properly or non past times typing: adb devices if the device listed perish on to side past times side step.
  9. Flash cwm, type at cmd: fastboot flash update
  10. Enter CWM select update from sdcard
  11. choose supersu as well as flash it
  12. wait until finish
  13. reboot as well as device rooted
DWYOR( Do it With Your Own Risks)
Thanks to:
X-Team ->CWM

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